Frequently asked questions

  • How does acupuncture work?

    Acupuncture works through the nervous system by stimulating nerves to send signals to the brain, which then communicates with the rest of the body to initiate healing and physiological regulation.

  • Is acupuncture safe?

    Yes, acupuncture is generally very safe when performed by a trained and licensed practitioner, including during pregnancy.

    The needles used are sterile and disposable, minimising any risk of infection. Side effects are rare (aside from a good nights sleep), but some people may experience slight bruising, soreness, or lightheadedness after a session. These effects usually resolve quickly.

  • Does acupuncture hurt?

    You may feel some points more than others, or you may not feel anything at all. It’s normal to experience some strange sensations in the body.

  • Is there anything I need to do before or after a treatment?

    Before an acupuncture session, eat a light meal, stay hydrated, wear loose clothing, and arrive ready to discuss your health concerns. If you are getting cosmetic acupuncture - try not to wear any makeup.

    After an acupuncture session, it's recommended to drink plenty of water, avoid heavy exercise, and rest if needed to support the body's healing process.

  • What should I expect during a session?

    During your acupuncture session, we'll begin with a discussion about your concerns, health history, lifestyle, diet, supplements, and potential herbal prescriptions. After gathering all the necessary information, you'll lie down on the treatment table, and needles will be carefully inserted at various points on your body. Throughout the session, I'll check in with you to ensure you're comfortable. Once all the needles are in, you'll have a 20-30 minute rest before the needles are removed.

  • How many sessions will I need?

    Acupuncture works best as a course of treatment, with the number of sessions tailored to the condition and individual.

    Most conditions respond well to weekly treatments initially, while acute issues may require more frequent sessions. After 4-6 weeks, we will reassess progress and adjust the treatment plan as needed.

    Once in remission, a maintenance treatment is recommended every 4-6 weeks for ongoing support